In Indonesia, the Sulawesi power system, operated by Indonesia’s state electricity provider, PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN), will soon undergo rapid change with pending near-term upgrades and expansion that will introduce new challenges and opportunities. To manage these changes, PLN worked with G-PST on a road map for the possible implementation of a best-in-class structure and related functional capabilities for the Sulawesi Control Center. The report covers all aspects of control center functionality, from monitored data and analysis needs to facility design considerations. It is intended to be used by PLN to support decision-making about both near- and longer-term engineering design, as well as strategic and procurement planning. It is not intended to be an implementation plan or course of action for PLN to follow, but a means of considering optimal approaches for meeting the demands of the future power system.

This control center of the future road map was developed through G-PST’s Pillar 2, led by the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in partnership with the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). The road map development process was created by EPRI, and serves as a framework for similar approaches for power system operations around the world. PLN staff provided extensive support in data-gathering as well as details and insights regarding power system operations in Sulawesi.

Framework for the control center of the future, showing the 11 color-coded operational capabilities within the four core blocks. Source: EPRI; Illustration by Chris Schwing, NREL.