Featured Speakers: Hon. Zulkifli Zaini, PLN CEO; Mark McGranaghan, EPRI Europe; Haryanto WS, PLN Director; Hani Alarian, CAISO Exec Director; Roberto Bayetti, CAISO Director; Dede Subakti, CAISO Director; Suroso Isnandar, PLN; Oscar de Lima, deBarr; Francisco de Lima, deBarr; Rob Hardison, NREL; Adrian Kelly, EPRI Europe; Hongming Zhang, NREL; Seong Choi, NREL.

PLN, Indonesia’s state-owned utility, hosted this kickoff webinar for its System Operator Forum Power System Sharing Series in partnership with the G-PST. This session features an introduction to the System Operator Forum and the G-PST. In support of PLN’s ongoing effort to upgrade its Java-Bali control center, the technical portion of the session presented insights from the California Independent System Operator (CAISO), the Electricity Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), de Barr consultants, and G-PST consortium member research institutions NREL and EPRI.

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