To increase the impact of its activities, the RAG developed several focused research teams with the aim of providing some fundamental underpinnings to the more detailed research questions in the research agenda, which should ensure meaningful research findings and applications in the longer term. These teams are made up of subject matter experts from the FSOs and leading researchers from the Core Team of the G-PST.

The Inverter-based Resources Research Team: This team investigates how the fundamental needs of the power system can be supplied (as a service) by Inverter-Based Resources (IBRs) and where additional research will be needed to access these capabilities. This team also addresses how the tools and models we currently use to study the power system will need to be updated (or superseded) in light of the grid’s changing nature with increasing IBRs. The IBR Research Team is working as part of the ESIG, High Share of Inverter-Based Generation Task Force.

The ESIG Redefining Resource Adequacy Task Force: This task force hosts the G-PST Resource Adequacy Research Team. This research team is investigating how the rise of variable, energy limited resources combined with severe weather events will require changes to planning practices to ensure low-cost reliable power systems of the future.

In addition to these research teams there is also an extensive Research Repository being developed.  It details current and recent research projects from around the world that are well-aligned with the Inaugural Research Agenda. This repository can be used by funding and research institutions to ensure they are up-to-date with the latest research and not duplicating efforts. Well-aligned projects may also receive support from the FSOs in terms of input and demonstration opportunities.